50,990 research outputs found

    Can student mental health nurses be prepared for medicines management?

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    Aim This paper reports on an evaluation of the Medicines with Respect project, which implemented a stepped approach to education and training in medicines management (MM) for mental health nurses (MHNs). Method In the retrospective qualitative study, nine MHNs were interviewed to gain their perceptions of the MM training they received at university and to find out if it still had relevance. Results Content analysis of the interview data revealed that overall the participants valued the theoretical and practical learning strategies they experienced, although criticisms relating to all aspects of the education and training were reported. The participants also reported that the approach prepared them for clinical practice as registered nurses. Such an approach may also build the capacity of MHNs to develop as prescribers

    A Machian Model of Dark Energy

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    Einstein believed that Mach's principle should play a major role in finding a meaningful spacetime geometry, though it was discovered later that his field equations gave some solutions which were not Machian. It is shown, in this essay, that the kinematical Λ\Lambda models, which are invoked to solve the cosmological constant problem, are in fact consistent with Mach's ideas. One particular model in this category is described which results from the microstructure of spacetime and seems to explain the current observations successfully and also has some benefits over the conventional models. This forces one to think whether the Mach's ideas and the cosmological constant are interrelated in some way.Comment: Received an Honorable mention in the Essay Contest-2002 sponsored by the Gravity Research Foundation; A paragraph added on how the model can explain the CMB anisotropy observations; To appear in the Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Paleoseismic and Slip-Rate Observations along the Honey Lake Fault Zone, Northeastern California, USA

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    The Honey Lake fault is a major strike-slip fault in northeastern California that accommodates northwest-directed right-lateral shear in the northern Walker Lane. We reexamine the fault’s paleoseismic history and slip rate by evaluating a natural stream bank exposure of the fault and offset terrace riser. Structural and stratigraphic relations within the modern stream cut, radiocarbon ages, and a detailed topographic survey of the offset terrace riser are used to estimate a Holocene fault slip rate of 1.7–0.6 mm/yr or more. We also interpret the occurrence of at least four surface-rupturing earthquakes during the last 7025 calendar years before present (B.P.). Three of the surface-rupturing earthquakes occurred prior to 4670 calendar years B.P. and have interevent times that range between 730 and 990 yr. The stratigraphic record is limited after ~4670 calendar years B.P., and records evidence for at least one more subsequent surface-rupturing earthquake

    Axions and SN1987A

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    The effect of free-streaming axion emission on numerical models for the cooling of the newly born neutron star associated with SN1987A is considered. It is found that for an axion mass of greater than approximately 10 to the -3 eV, axion emission shortens the duration of the expected neutrino burst so significantly that it would be inconsistent with the neutrino observations made by the Kamiokande II and Irvine-Michigan-Brookhaven detectors. However, the possibility has not been investigated that axion trapping (which should occur for masses greater than or equal to 0.02 eV) sufficiently reduces axion emission so that axion masses greater than approximately 2 eV would be consistent with the neutrino observations

    Determinants of environmental degradation: reflections on the impact of identified economic variables on the environment

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    Purpose. The main objective of this study is to investigate the determinants of environmental degradation within the broader framework of the environmental Kuznets Curve analysis. To better understand the economic impact on the environment, the study focuses on the relationship between carbon emission and the variables income per capita, trade openness, foreign direct investment, energy use and urbanization. Methods. In the context of the dynamic carbon emission model a Generalized-Method-of-Moments (GMM) technique was used to analyse World Bank of 125 countries for the period 2000 to 2014. This era was chosen as the most appropriate given the completeness of the dataset. Findings. The findings indicate that economic growth and energy use are significant variables in explaining environmental degradation, supporting previous research in to the particularly negative impact of energy use on the environment. The research however, found that urbanisation had only marginal significance in explaining the impact on the environment. Originality. The findings contribute to existing research in the area of environmental degradation, providing insight into the debate surrounding urbanisation and CO2 emission which had previously received mixed results. The findings take research forward through the examination of explanatory variables and their respective impact on CO2 emission in countries which have observed an increase in the number of urban dwellers. Practical implications. Given the debate in academic and practitioner literature around climate change, pollution and a general concern over a lack of collective action to address environmental concerns, the findings have practical implications for government institutions and businesses to better understand the economic impact on the environment.Мета. Визначення факторів, які викликають екологічну деградацію довкілля в широкому контексті екологічної кривої Кузнеця, на основі вивчення взаємозв’язку між вуглецевими викидами і такими змінними як дохід на душу населення, відкритість торгівлі, прямі іноземні інвестиції, використання енергії та урбанізація. Методика. Для побудови динамічної моделі вуглецевої емісії були використані дані Всесвітнього банку по 125 країнам у період з 2000 по 2014 роки, проаналізовані за допомогою узагальненого методу моментів. Даний проміжок часу був обраний як той, що найбільш повно представляє базу даних. Результати. Встановлено, що економічне зростання і використання енергії є найсуттєвішими факторами, які визначають екологічну деградацію, що підтверджується більш ранніми дослідженнями негативного впливу використання енергії на навколишнє середовище. Виявлено, що урбанізація впливає на стан навколишнього середовища тільки побічно. Рекомендовано в наступних дослідженнях розглянути інші заходи для уявлення урбанізації, а саме можливість вивчення даних по великих містах, а не по країнам. Такий підхід може дати додаткове уявлення про вплив урбанізації та можливих відмінностей між містами і регіонами. Наукова новизна. Отримано нові знання щодо оцінки впливу урбанізації та вуглецевих викидів на навколишнє природне середовище, які раніше мали неоднозначні результати. Прогрес у вивченні даних проблем було досягнуто за рахунок аналізу ключових змінних і їх впливу на емісію CO2 в країнах, де спостерігається зростання міського населення. Практична значимість. Результати дослідження мають істотне практичне значення для державних установ та бізнесових структур, оскільки допомагають краще зрозуміти сутність економічного впливу на навколишнє середовище і вносять вклад у вирішення проблеми екологічної деградації.Цель. Определение факторов, вызывающих экологическую деградацию окружающей среды в широком контексте экологической кривой Кузнеца, на основе изучения взаимосвязи между углеродными выбросами и такими переменными как доход на душу населения, открытость торговли, прямые иностранные инвестиции, использование энергии и урбанизация. Методика. Для построения динамической модели углеродной эмиссии были использованы данные Всемирного банка по 125 странам в период с 2000 по 2014 годы, проанализированные при помощи обобщенного метода моментов. Данный промежуток времени был выбран как наиболее полно представляющий базу данных. Результаты. Установлено, что экономический рост и использование энергии являются самыми существенными факторами, определяющими экологическую деградацию, что подтверждается более ранними исследованиями негативного влияния использования энергии на окружающую среду. Выявлено, что урбанизация воздействует на состояние окружающей среды только косвенно. Рекомендовано в следующих исследованиях рассмотреть другие меры для представления урбанизации, а именно возможность изучения данных по крупным городам, а не по странам. Такой подход может дать дополнительное представление о влиянии урбанизации и возможных различий между городами и регионами. Научная новизна. Получены новые знания касательно оценки влияния урбанизации и углеродных выбросов на окружающую природную среду, которые ранее имели неоднозначные результаты. Прогресс в изучении данных проблем был достигнут за счет анализа ключевых переменных и их влияния на эмиссию CO2 в странах, где наблюдается рост городского населения. Практическая значимость. Результаты исследования имеют существенное практическое значение для государственных учреждений и бизнес структур, поскольку помогают лучше понять сущность экономического воздействия на окружающую среду и вносят вклад в решение проблемы экологической деградации.The authors would like to thank Taylor’s University for funding this research project (Source of funding: TRGS (Taylor’s Research Grant Scheme); Grant Project Code: TRGS/ERFS/1/2018/TBS/009)

    Abelian homotopy Dijkgraaf-Witten theory

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    We construct a version of Dijkgraaf-Witten theory based on a compact abelian Lie group within the formalism of Turaev's homotopy quantum field theory. As an application we show that the 2+1-dimensional theory based on U(1) classifies lens spaces up to homotopy type.Comment: 23 pages, 1 figur

    A measurement of the transverse velocity of Q2237+0305

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    Determination of microlensing parameters in the gravitationally lensed quasar Q2237+0305 from the statistics of high magnification events will require monitoring for more than 100 years (Wambsganss, Paczynski & Schneider 1990). However we show that the effective transverse velocity of the lensing galaxy can be determined on a more realistic time-scale through consideration of the distribution of light-curve derivatives. The 10 years of existing monitoring data for Q2237+0305 are analysed. These data display strong evidence for microlensing that is not associated with a high magnification event. An upper limit of v < 500 km/sec is obtained for the galactic transverse velocity which is smaller than previously assumed values. The analysis suggests that the observed microlensing variation may be predominantly due to stellar proper motions. The statistical significance of the results obtained from our method will be increased by the addition of data points from current and future monitoring campaigns. However reduced photometric errors will be more valuable than an increased sampling rate.Comment: 16 pages, including 17 figures. Accepted for publication in M.N.R.A.

    Parameterization of Dark-Energy Properties: a Principal-Component Approach

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    Considerable work has been devoted to the question of how to best parameterize the properties of dark energy, in particular its equation of state w. We argue that, in the absence of a compelling model for dark energy, the parameterizations of functions about which we have no prior knowledge, such as w(z), should be determined by the data rather than by our ingrained beliefs or familiar series expansions. We find the complete basis of orthonormal eigenfunctions in which the principal components (weights of w(z)) that are determined most accurately are separated from those determined most poorly. Furthermore, we show that keeping a few of the best-measured modes can be an effective way of obtaining information about w(z).Comment: Unfeasibility of a truly model-independent reconstruction of w at z>1 illustrated. f(z) left out, and w(z) discussed in more detail. Matches the PRL versio